Sunday, January 3, 2010

Elk Feeding in Donnelly, Idaho

Our ride
All of us! Too bad Haemin's eyes were closed!

We were told not to touch the elk. It was hard to remember that they really are wild animals even though they come right to the sleigh to eat. We had to be quiet (soft talking was ok) and we were told to move very slowly because we didn't want to scare them off.

The biggest one of the herd
Michael, Luke & Haemin
Brynley was a little scared that the elk might eat her!
The elk were SO close!
our "sleigh" driver and host
haemin is enjoying the ride and watching the elk
SATURDAY: Our trip to Donnelly, Idaho was about 2 hours each way. The scenery was beautiful, although we didn't think to stop and take photos until it was too dark. We are hoping to go that direction again at the end of the month for a festival in Cascade, Idaho, and if we do we will take more photos then. We all enjoyed riding the sleigh and watching the elk eat.
FRIDAY: The whole family went to the movie theatre to watch the movie "Alvin and the chipmunks, the squeakuel" It was definately a cute movie. The kids all really enjoyed it, and Haemin wants to watch the first movie now too! Click here for a link to the movie trailer. We also had spaghetti for dinner and this was a big hit with Haemin. Before I knew it, his food was completely gone and the rest of us had just barely started eating!

Haemin has adjusted to the time change now (I think). We have noticed he doesn't particularly like "sweet" things (candy, soda.. Krispy Kreme donuts). This is a suprise to us because we LOVE treats! :o) He fits right in along with the other kids and they all love to play with him and fight for his attention! Today we had church and just relaxed, but tomorrow will be busy again with school starting after the winter break. More pics to come tomorrow! I will post pictures of the school and Haemin with his teacher and classroom.

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic!
    What great feeling that must be.
    Sunds like your hometown is a good place to live

    Haemin must be very pleased
    He's lucky~! Haemin look so great!^^
    This trip will afford him a most pleasing reminiscence in later years.
    (Sounds like he various spare-time activitises.)
    We wish want to go Idaho someday.
    We was so moved. Thank you
